Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hello. I apologize for this not being an apology but ...

I am walking with the Viacom / MTVN team in this year's AIDS WALK on May 18.

Last year because of your generosity I was able to raise almost $2400 for our team who in turn donated a total of $37,000.

So, let's keep this going. This year my personal goal is $3000. Yeah, I know - sort of crazy, but I think we can do this.

You can sponsor my walk two ways - either by Sponsoring A Walker (follow instructions below):

1. Go to

2. Click on New York

3. Sponsor A Walker

4. Type Caroline O'Hare

Or you can go directly to my homepage:

If you can, please join us on May 18 in Central Park.

Thank you for helping support the GMHC.

Caroline & The Apology Blog

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